Dean Apicella scottish champion boys points, continuous and mens points.
Davd Caughey Scottish champion mens veterns and 2nd in points.
Gavin Gall Scottish champion mens continuous.
Kirsty Crookston Scottish Champion ladies continuous and 2nd in points.
Deacon Ross 2nd boys continuous.
Adam Cuff 3rd boys points.
David Livingston 2nd mens points and 3rd mens continuous.
Mark O'Flaherty 3rd mens points.
Edinburgh Assassins mens teams 2nd.
Adam Cuff 2nd in points.
Millie Lawrie 2nd in points and continuous.
Finlay Forsyth 2nd in points and 3rd in continuous.
Alexander Caughey 1st in points and contiuous.
Gavin Gall 1st in continuous and 2nd in points.
David Livingston 1st in continuous and 3rd in points.
Keith Dewhurst 2nd in continuous and 3rd in points.
David Caughey 1st in points and continuous.
Mark O'Flaherty 1st in points and 2nd in continuous.
Edinburgh Assassins boys 1st in teams.